Cutting the trees of the Haram


Q: My mother says that she had performed Hajj nearly thirty years ago. On the occasion of her Hajj she did some things which are unlawful to do during Hajj, due to her ignorance, such as cutting down some shrubs which were inside her tent. One of those present with her forbade her from doing this, saying that doing so invalidates her Hajj. What is the ruling on this? Afterwards, when she ascended Mount `Arafah and saw Al-Rahmah Mountain and the pole erected on it, she assumed it represented Satan, so she cursed it more than once.And due to the crowding, when she was throwing pebbles (at the pebble-throwing area during Hajj) she threw them all at once and was not sure whether the pebbles fell inside the specified area of throwing.She did all of the above out of ignorance. For this reason, she performed Hajj once again in 1426 A.H. Fearing that her previous Hajj was invalid. I hope your Eminence answers the above questions. A: Your mother's first Hajj is valid In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills) and there is nothing due on her concerning cutting down the shrubs in Al-Haram out of ignorance. As for the pebbles she threw all at once, this does not fulfill the obligation and therefore, she must slaughter a sheep in Makkah that meets the specifications of (Part No. 10; Page No. 166

A: Your mother's first Hajj is valid In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills) and there is nothing due on her concerning cutting down the shrubs in Al-Haram out of ignorance. As for the pebbles she threw all at once, this does not fulfill the obligation and therefore, she must slaughter a sheep in Makkah that meets the specifications of (Part No. 10; Page No. 166) an Udhiyyah and distribute its meat among the poor of Al-Haram. Alternatively, she may commission someone to slaughter on her behalf. If she is not financially able to do this, then she is to fast ten days.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.
