Attending places where Munkar occurs with the intention of resisting it


A: Muslims are permitted to attend places where Munkar occurs with the intention of resisting it and advising those who commit it. But attending such places for other reasons or for participating in the commitment of such sins is not permissible, because Allah (Exalted be He) says: And it has already been revealed to you in the Book (this Quran) that when you hear the Verses of Allah being denied and mocked at, then sit not with them, until they engage in a talk other than that; (but if you stayed with them) certainly in that case you would be like them. Surely, Allah will collect the hypocrites and disbelievers all together in Hell, The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: Anyone of you who sees something wrong, let them change it with their hand (by taking action); if they cannot, then with their tongue (by speaking out); and if they cannot, then with their heart (by hating it and feeling that it is wrong); and that is the weakest of Iman (faith). (Related by Muslim in his Sahih [Authentic Hadith Book])May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
