A male doctor working in the obstetrics department to finish his study

Q 1: After graduation, we spend an internship in all branches of medicine, such as surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics. I have passed all these trainings, praise be to Allah, except gynecology and obstetrics. I do not feel at ease concerning this branch, especially that I knew about the intricate matters concerning it [when it comes to male physicians practicing it]. However, this training is only for two months, after which I will be appointed in a health unit in the Egyptian countryside. I might be alone or with another doctor, and I will have to practice all branches of medicine. A woman might come to the health unit in a serious condition or in labor, and it may be necessary for me to treat her. I might be alone, or there might be a Christian doctor or a non-practicing Muslim doctor with me. What should I do in this case if I do not undergo this training? I am confused, and I do not know the correct opinion. My internship is coming to an end. Please advise as soon as possible whether I can undergo this training or not. (Part No. 24; Page No. 416)  A: If the situation is as you mentioned, that you might be appointed in a health unit in the Egyptian countryside alone or with a non-Muslim or non-practicing doctor, you will have to undergo training for the remaining branches of medicine, such as gynecology and obstetrics, so that you will be able to do your duty completely, even if it entails examining a woman or helping her in labor in case of necessity, if there are no female doctors to undertake this task, and you were alone or with a non-Muslim or non-practicing Muslim doctor. However, it is not permissible for you to be in Khulwah (being in privacy with a member of the opposite sex) with her during an examination or labor, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited this. Q 2: Concerning the rest of the branches of medicine, apart from gynecology and obstetrics, what are the conditions that permit male doctors to examine female patients?

A: If the situation is as you mentioned, that you might be appointed in a health unit in the Egyptian countryside alone or with a non-Muslim or non-practicing doctor, you will have to undergo training for the remaining branches of medicine, such as gynecology and obstetrics, so that you will be able to do your duty completely, even if it entails examining a woman or helping her in labor in case of necessity, if there are no female doctors to undertake this task, and you were alone or with a non-Muslim or non-practicing Muslim doctor. However, it is not permissible for you to be in Khulwah (being in privacy with a member of the opposite sex) with her during an examination or labor, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited this. Q 2: Concerning the rest of the branches of medicine, apart from gynecology and obstetrics, what are the conditions that permit male doctors to examine female patients? A: The absence of a female Muslim doctor to examine the patient, being a pious Muslim and not being in Khulwah with her as previously mentioned. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
