A father vowing to buy a sacrificial animal from the market if the son grows up

Q: My father made a vow, saying to me: “When you grow up, my son, I will make you buy a sacrificial animal from the market and bring it to home by foot.” However, Allah willed that my father should die before fulfilling his vow. I now want to fulfill my father’s vow, but is it permissible for me to buy a sacrificial animal and bring it home in a van as the market was then 1.5 km from my house, but it is now about 6 km? It will be difficult for me to bring an animal home by foot. There is a place that sells animals that is 1/2 km from my house, but it is not the main market for our town. (Part No. 23; Page No. 310) May Allah reward you with the best!

A: What you have mentioned in regard to your father is not a vow, but a promise. There is no obligation on you or on your father for this.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
