A deserted Masjid among one's possessions

Q: There is an old, deserted Masjid (mosque) among their possessions. It was previously replaced with a piece of land they owned, as it was not suitable for use.The request was referred to His Eminence the Judge of Al-Juwh Court in the letter no. (2/1037), dated 21/4/1412 A.H., and the reply was given in the letter no. (13), dated 4/1/1413 A.H. Attached therewith is a report about the mentioned Masjid. It stated the following:As a court judge and Waqf (endowments) supervisor, please be advised of the following:The mentioned Masjid was built by the father of the summoned in his own land, and he endowed it to offer Salah (Prayer) by force of document no. (15) in 16/8/1397 A.H. In 1405 A.H., the Waqf Ministry wanted to demolish it and rebuild it as a 15 x 15 meters Masjid. However, it was found that the place of the Masjid was not suitable for this project, so a Masjid with the mentioned area was constructed in the middle of the district on a piece of land that was 120 meters away from the mentioned Masjid. The people of the village began to offer Salah in the new Masjid, and the old one became deserted. Being made of stone and its roof made of wood, and being affected by (Part No. 5; Page No. 212) rainfall, the roof fell, part of the southern wall was demolished and only the columns are left. It is now unsuitable to offer Salah in. The mentioned Masjid lies in the north eastern terminal part of the properties of the late father of the summoned, and its door leads to a narrow corridor that is not more than two meters wide that is also among the late father's property. There is no need for it in the meantime. This is what we saw ourselves. Please advise concerning what you see suitable. May Allah protect you.

A: You should repair the mentioned Masjid or spend the money in furnishing another one if the new Masjid does not need it.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
